How to Grow Healthy, Good Nails?

It is simpler to pick up little objects and scratch an itch with nails. Weak, brittle nails frequently indicate some nutritional deficit, and neglecting them altogether might result in painful ingrown nails or bothersome fungal infections. They also serve as an external indicator of our health. It's even possible that unanticipated changes in the fingernails are an indication of some serious illnesses.

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Follow these guidelines to maintain healthy, strong nails on all fingers and toes:

1. Retain moisture in our nails. Every night before bed or anytime our nails feel dry, we should massage a tiny quantity of petroleum jelly or lotion into the cuticle and the skin around our nails to avoid breaking. Castor oil, which has vitamin E to help the cuticles, or olive oil from our kitchen cabinet are more options. If our nails need to be strengthened because they are weak, MayoClinic even advises wearing cotton gloves to bed to keep moisture in.

2. After using the restroom, if we have a terrible habit of drying our hands on our jeans, we should think again since moist hands increase the chance of getting a fungal infection. Keep in mind our toes. After swimming or taking a shower, make sure to properly dry our toes and use moisturizer. Additionally, avoid using hand sanitizers because they can severely dry out our skin and cause brittle nails.

3. When doing chores, put on rubber gloves. Simple household duties like wiping off cookware are brutal on our nails. When we're done, flip the gloves inside out to dry to avoid nail fungus.

4. Keep our cuticles intact. After taking a warm shower, apply gentle pressure with a washcloth. Given that the skin ridge acts as a natural barrier to microorganisms and fungus, playing with our cuticles can be harmful and cause illness.

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5. Our greatest option for keeping strong nails are short nails. To prevent ingrown nails, cut them straight across. Avoid using traditional emery boards since they are excessively harsh and may produce little cracks that eventually result in breaking. To minimize breakage, use a smooth file to gently polish in one direction.

6. Artificial nails are a horrible choice, especially since improper removal might damage our natural nails. WebMD states that since a lesser surface area is covered, tips are a less harmful alternative if we must artificially extend our nails.

7. Avoid acetone and formaldehyde-containing nail polish removers. They severely dry out nails. Additionally, they can peel nails, which makes them fragile and prone to ripping and breaking. Instead, make use of removers that include acetate.

Weak or brittle nails may make you feel self-conscious since our nails may convey a variety of messages to others. Fortunately, there are several things we can do to strengthen and enhance our nails.

Resources: WebMD and MayoClinic


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