Are Skin Humidifiers Really Necessary?

The humidity of the air can nevertheless have an impact on our skin barrier and moisture levels even if our skin feels the same all year round. More humidity in the air results in little to no moisture loss from the skin, keeping it more soft and smooth. Low humidity has a negative impact on our complexion as a result.

Our skin quickly loses water when the air is dry, which causes it to become cracked and dehydrated.  Dehydration of our outer skin layer can reduce the effectiveness of the skin barrier in protecting our skin. During this time of year, many people use a humidifier in addition to their regimen of hydrating products to combat dry skin. However, can the quality of our skin truly be improved by having a humidifier?

In cases where we are concerned about aging symptoms, low humidity might be even more harmful. Volunteers in a 2007 Japanese scientific study on the effects of room moisture on skin had their skin conductivity suppleness, and wrinkles measured after adjusting to high and low humidity environments. The findings demonstrated that, in just 30 minutes, a 30% reduction in humidity may drastically lessen skin suppleness and worsen fine lines and wrinkles. This is particularly so during wintertime when the heating system may have a similar drying effect and remove a greater amount of moisture off the skin in addition to the air being less humid outdoors. 

What is the benefit of a humidifier?

A humidifier is frequently used to stop these damaging effects on our skin. We can utilize a portable humidifier to assist regulate our surroundings. As a result, the skin barrier is sealed as it drives moisture out into the atmosphere and back into our skin. Practically speaking, humidifiers release water vapor into the air to increase the humidity of the space around them, which can reduce or even halt the loss of moisture from the skin. 

If we are beginning to detect the effects of low humidity on our skin, as well as if we frequently experience dryness or flaking, using a humidifier may be extremely useful. Indoor heating, strong winds, and steaming baths can all disturb the skin's lipid layer, which acts as an inhibitor or defense against microorganisms, pollution, and other hazardous environmental exposures. Even some of the typical symptoms of dry skin diseases like eczema or psoriasis can become better. The majority of experts advise utilizing a humidifier at night whenever we turn on the heat, especially if we reside in an area that is freezing for most of the year. 

As soon as we start to notice patches of dry or cracked skin, we should start using it. If we've ever had dry skin, we understand that whenever our skin gets exposed to an extremely dry environment, it increases oil production in order to adapt - this is why skin may be simultaneously oily and dry at the precise same time. However, it soon became clear that the significance of skin hydration went deeper than only preventing an oily T-zone.

Toxins must be flushed out and fluid must go through capillaries effectively, which requires enough hydration. In order to keep its cells healthy, get rid of waste, and keep its oil glands from going into overdrive, the skin requires natural oils.

Not only can using a humidifier aid in the proper moisture retention of our skin, but it may also improve the body's general hydration. People who are typically susceptible to dryness might gain the most from using a humidifier, in addition to drinking enough water each day and moisturizing their skin.

Do we actually need a humidifier?

It is determined by how much we believe we will benefit from it. A humidifier may regularly raise the general moisture of the skin without the use of any skin care products, which is beneficial whether we have naturally dry skin or if it has been parched and cracked due to the cold weather. If we have dry spots all over, it could also make life a bit more bearable.

The use of moisturizing creams, however, can be sufficient to maintain our skin smooth and moisturized throughout the season if we aren't concerned about low humidity or dry skin. It may be helpful to look for skin care products with components like aloe, panthenol, or glycerin.

Another thing to keep in mind is that, if we decide to use a humidifier, we should clean it every week if we use it frequently. They may become an inviting environment for bacteria, fungus, yeast, and possibly mold if they are not cleaned well or frequently enough; none of these things should be released into the air we breathe. Simply wash the humidifier with ordinary soap and water or vinegar to clean it, and be sure to properly dry it before replenishing. The humidifier's size should be chosen based on the dimensions of the space in which it will be used.

Buy this skin humidifier


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